Where are you located?
Our head office is in Hong Kong, but we have agents in mainland China, Vietnam, Thailand, India, and the Philippine’s.
What products have you sourced/supplied?
We can source just about anything but specialize in customers privately branded items. You will see many products or components that we have sourced in many major retailers worldwide.
What products do you not source?
We can source almost all products in Asia, but there are some items that we will not such as anything illegal.
What are the costs?
We can handle large and smaller jobs for our clients. Every customer will have different specific needs prices will be determined on what it is they need us to do; we will make sure to confirm all fees up front and before any commitment is by you. We believe in always being honest and transparent!
Can I tell you my product idea securely?
We have signed many NDC agreements with our clients, and happy to do the same with you! If you have a new product or design – one of the first steps we will take is to direct you to an experienced intellectual property attorneys, so that you can feel comfortable moving forward with the process while protecting your idea.
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